Welcome to the SDA Company Team! We are excited to have you join us and want to make sure everyone has a great time. Please read and sign the following rules so we can all work together to create a fun, safe, and respectful environment.

1. Respect Everyone

• I will treat my instructors, classmates, and all studio staff with kindness and respect.

• I will listen when others are speaking and follow directions from my instructors.

• I will not use mean or hurtful words or actions.

2. Be a Team Player

• I will support and encourage my fellow dancers.

• I will help others when they need it and share the space with my classmates.

• I will cheer for others’ successes and understand that we all grow at different speeds.

3. Take Care of the Studio

• I will keep the studio clean and not touch the mirrors. I will not hang from the ballet bars or be disrespectful of the equipment inside the studio.

• I will not bring food or drinks (except water) into the studio. I will line up my shoes neatly by the wall if we are rehearsing barefoot.

• I will clean up after myself and respect the space.

4. Work Hard and Have Fun

• I will always do my best in every class, rehearsal, and performance.

• I will come to class prepared, dressed in the proper attire, and ready to learn. I will always bring an extra hair tie and pins to class to secure my hair.

• I will remember that we are here to learn and excel while enjoying the challenge.

• I will rehearse 3 times a week at home to keep improving at my technique and choreography.

5. Be Safe

• I will follow the safety rules in the studio and not run or play roughly.

• I will let my teacher know if I am hurt or not feeling well.

• I will practice good hygiene and keep myself and others healthy.

6. Be On Time

• I will arrive to class on time and ready to dance.

• If I am late, I will enter the studio quietly and respectfully.

7. Positive Attitude

• I will come to class with a positive attitude, ready to learn and grow.

• I will be patient with myself and others, and keep a smile on my face.

I have read and understand the SDA Company Code of Conduct.

Dancer’s Name: ________________________

Signature: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________